[Chapter-delegates] ITR as ACTA 2.0
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Fri Feb 24 03:33:53 PST 2012
Hi, Marcin.
I though I posted it here already, but may be it was at EDRI. Yes, ITRs
are ACTA 2.0, but with steroids.
*However, there's something I'd like to urge the chapters in the EU to
do immediately:*
It is absolutely crucial that EU Member States that are opposed to ACTA
confirm as soon as possible that they will join the case when it is
referred. Each member from a country that is critical of ACTA needs to
get a confirmation of this as early as possible! I would also encourage
other chapters, in countries that signed ACTA but are not members of the
EU, to see if there are legal steps that can be taken there against ACTA.
This is something we all can put some efforts to do.
As for the ITRs, let's wait to hear the proposals on the table; I am
sure that among them there will be such that there will be huge protests
all over the world, Anonymous included. My expectation is that ITU
doesn't know what they are going to face, as they have never thought
their actions might be questioned by the public at large.
On 2/24/2012 05:12, Marcin Cieslak wrote:
> Seems like the press is convinced that ITR is potentially the next "ACTA 2.0" if handled
> wrong. In Poland there are already some follow ups to the WSJ article by Robert McDowell:
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204792404577229074023195322.html
> Our new telecom regulator, Ms Magdalena Gaj, had an interview
> in radio today morning, saying that Poland will be definitely
> against any attempts to regulate the Internet via ITR.
> http://www.tokfm.pl/Tokfm/1,103085,11226852,Prasa_alarmuje__Grozi_nam_kontrola_internetu_pod_auspicjami.html
> I think that photo says it all (it's from the anti-ACTA street
> protests earlier in January).
> We will be commenting on Ms Gaj's statement later today in the
> same radio station.
> //Marcin
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