[Chapter-delegates] Does your Chapter want to be a remote hub for the Global INET?

khaled koubaa khaled.koubaa at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 20:59:50 PST 2012

Great idea
Tunisian chapter is interested.

Sent by an Android phone
Le 22 févr. 2012 23:08, "Ted Mooney" <mooney at isoc.org> a écrit :

> ** ** **
> Dear Chapter Leaders****
> ** **
> Please help us assure that everyone who wants to participate in the Global
> INET 2012 has an opportunity to do so. We are looking for Chapters to
> volunteer to be remote hubs for this event.****
> ** **
> This can be an excellent opportunity to recruit new members, engage in
> substantive discussions and network locally.  As a remote hub you can truly
> serve the interests of the ISOC mission. ****
> ** **
> Remote participation for the Global INET will be available on Monday and
> Tuesday, April 23 and 24.  Participants can expect to experience the
> following during theses two days of the conference:****
> **·         **Follow presentations and slides presented in the Global
> INET conference room as they take place.****
> **·         **Follow video; slide presentations, and text transcripts.
> Follow and contribute to remote participation dialogue, via chat, Twitter
> and Facebook.****
> **·         **Communicate with the Remote Participation Moderator (RPMs)
> in ****Geneva**** to bring up questions and/or comments directed to panel
> moderators/speakers. ****
> ** **
> Webcast archives will be available immediately and post conference.  HD
> video and presentation materials will be made available on the ISOC
> website. ****
> ** **
> As a remote hub host, we will rely on you to coordinate all aspects of
> selecting and setting up your chosen location, so that your attendees may
> experience the Global INET as richly as possible.****
> ** **
> Below are some suggestions how to organize.  Many of you know this before
> but we thought to be thorough we’d state them here. They include, but are
> not limited to:****
> **·         **Select and contract with an appropriate venue that has
> teleconferencing capabilities (Conference centers, hotels, and local
> universities may be good places to inquire for price and availability.)***
> *
> **·         **Ensure the selected location has the space to accommodate
> the number of people you anticipate attending, and has the technical
> capabilities required, including:****
> **o        **Wired high-speed Internet connection (minimum 1mbps)****
> **o        **One, but preferably two 36”-42” screens (video or TV
> monitors)****
> **o        **Audio system – at minimum, a speaker phone.  Preferably an
> audio system with hi-fi speakers****
> **o        **Computer****
> **·         **Designate a Remote hub team including: ****
> **o        **Remote Participation Manager – responsible for all venue
> related issues.****
> **o        **Remote Participation Moderator (RPM) – responsible for
> monitoring discussions and functions as the point of contact for relaying
> feedback/comments to ****Geneva****.****
> **o        **Remote Hub Tech Administrator responsible for providing
> on-site technical assistance and as well as equipment set up and testing.*
> ***
> **·         **Room set up for maximum comfort and interaction in which to
> experience the conference.****
> **·         **Develop local agenda to include viewing of Global INET
> sessions, scheduled breaks, and time for local/regional discussions.****
> **·         **Send confirmation email meeting reminder to all registered
> participants one week prior to conference.****
> **·         **Arrange for refreshments ****
> **·         **Arrive early and greet participants as they arrive****
> **·         **Distribute agenda, handouts, and any other materials
> provided****
> **·         **Assist with seating, making sure that attendees with
> disabilities or special needs are accommodated.****
> **·         **Take a count of the number of participants and update ISOC
> with attendance data.****
> **·         **Support the RPM as the spokesperson for the group, and
> assist as necessary in relaying the questions and feedback in the room.***
> *
> ** **
> Training for the RPM will be provided by ISOC approximately one week prior
> to the conference.  ****
> ** **
> To assist you financially, ISOC will reimburse Host Chapters funds
> required to secure a facility and provide refreshments, up to the amount of
> 400 USD.  To qualify for reimbursement, the host will need to:****
>    1. Register to be a remote site by sending an email to **Joan Wirth**
>    wirth at isoc.org or Alicia Jackson at Jackson at isoc.org by MARCH 9, 2012**
>    **
>    2. provide a list of all participants (All participants should ‘sign
>    in’) by April 30****
>    3. provide feedback to ISOC on an evaluation form (available soon)****
>    4. provide a list of actual costs for the event (we want to understand
>    regional variations for improved support next time). ****
> ** **
> Should you have any questions or wish to volunteer as a remote hub host,
> please contact either Joan or Alicia.****
> ** **
> We look forward to everyone’s successful participation in the Global
> INET.  Thank you one and all.****
> ** **
> Best regards,****
> ** **
> JEMooney****
> ** **
> Ted Mooney****
> Membership & Services****
> The Internet Society****
> mooney at isoc.org****
> Direct Line: 703.439.2774****
> Cell:           301.980.6446****
>  ****
> ** **
> _______________________________________________
> Chapter-delegates mailing list
> Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
> https://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/chapter-delegates
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