[Chapter-delegates] EU To Refer ACTA To EU's Top Court For Legal Clarification

Jozef Halbersztadt jothal at o2.pl
Wed Feb 22 13:09:10 PST 2012

In my opinion there is shift of perspective by many conservative MEPs. They became aware that framework of the old laws didn't fit to virtual world and need of their children. 

They live in real world and know that copyright rules were developed for the printing press and codified internationally before radio had even been invented. They knew it before, but protest at the streets made the awaken.

Therefore I don't think that Parliament will be silenced. I don't expect the Parliament waiting for the Court of Justice. I expect that Parliament will ready to look at the E-commerce Directive of 2000 and the Copyright Directive of 2001 to check whether they suit the needs of the advanced information society we now live in. They know that is needed a new balance of exclusive rights, limitations and exceptions, collective management, enforcement, etc. They would like to hear proposals of the new balance. Voice of ISOC can have a powerful impact. 



'jothal' jozef [dot] halbersztadt [at] gmail [dot] com
Internet Society Poland http://www.isoc.org.pl

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Also, if we call it a victory, as a colleague mentioned, then tomorrow, if the ECJ decides 'for' ACTA, what will be your arguments against?


On 2/22/2012 10:05, jothal wrote:
> Guys it is a victory
> The proceedings in the Court are open. The third parties like EDRi or
> ISOC could become part of it by putting (amicus) briefs.

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