[Chapter-delegates] EU To Refer ACTA To EU's Top Court For Legal Clarification

Rudi Vansnick rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Wed Feb 22 07:58:28 PST 2012

Dear all,

On February 2 ISOC Belgium addressed a message to a group of Belgian MEPs as well as to the Belgain minister of Economy and Telecommunications on the ongoing debates around ACTA. We got very quickly some response from the EU MEPs indicating us that at that moment nothing was yet decided even if BE MEPs had voted positively. They also mentioned us that our remarks and input would certainly influence their position. Furthermore, this was also the lever for the Belgian minister to request a study about the impact and consequences for Belgian government and citizens. So, we may say that our action at national level has been very positive.

Details about the decision taken by the minister :

We will of course continue to spread the message and the ISOC statement has now also been send to the Belgian MEPs.

Kind regards,

Rudi Vansnick
——————————————— Internet Society Belgium  —————————————————
President - CEO                      Tel +32/(0)9/329.39.16
rudi.vansnick at isoc.be            Mobile +32/(0)475/28.16.32
Dendermondesteenweg 143        B-9070 Destelbergen  BELGIUM
www.internetsociety.be       "The Internet is for everyone"

Op 22-feb-2012, om 13:32 heeft Frederic Donck het volgende geschreven:

> http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20120222-705795.html
> Very interesting development. Now the "hot potato" is with the ECJ... 
> Best Regards
> Frederic
> Frederic Donck
> Director European Regional Bureau
> Internet Society
> www.isoc.org
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