[Chapter-delegates] Acta week in Romania - update

Eduard Tric eduard.tric at isoc.ro
Fri Feb 10 13:57:35 PST 2012

Hi all, 
This week will end with an international protest against Acta , spread allover Europe.
Victor Ponta , opposition leader (socialist party) resumed well the situation : With 100000 expected protesters , Romania proudly leads the European Anti ACTA mobilisation :

Although it was (very) tempting to jump on Anti-Acta vagon, our board decision was to stay more or less neutral and federate the discussions and actors involved.
It seems that this strategy paid , as we will be granted 1 h during prime time protests on national Tv tomorrow.
We collect also international suggestions  , comparisons, ideas on Acta (and the future of , if any ) that you might find worthy to be pushed on Tvr .
Also , next week we managed to put together Government , Industry , Law Enforcment, Ngo's , (a lot of ) artists, press and some MEP's (in video , as they are all week in Strasbourg ).You are most welcome to send us from your chapter a message by video , phone,  mail , twitter. The event will be streamed on Internet and is co-organised with the national association of ISP's and Comunicatii Mobile newspaper.

Have a nice weekend,

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