[Chapter-delegates] Kind request to discuss your expectations with your Chapter's nominee to Chapters Workshop in Geneva
Dr. Alejandro Pisanty Baruch
apisan at unam.mx
Thu Feb 2 20:30:41 PST 2012
it is quite a surprise to find out that a program commitee for the Chapters workshop has not been established. Someone should have noticed how bad things are for the main program of the INET for, among other possible reasons, lack of a broad, participative, and inclusive program commitee.
I don't see many reasons why you could skip some serious inclusion of chapter representatives in this new, much more mission-constrained program committee, given the chance.
Also I don't mean to pick on you personally as you have over the years been amazingly patient and supportive of the Chapters, even in the face of quite uncivil abuse from us. Rather, I'm hoping you can convey the need and start some expectation management **upwards** as well.
Thanks for your frank response. Your openness and will to serve have done miracles on a myriad occasions; here's hoping for one more.
Alejandro Pisanty
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Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
UNAM, Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico
Tels. +52-(1)-55-5105-6044, +52-(1)-55-5418-3732
*Mi blog/My blog: http://pisanty.blogspot.com
*LinkedIn profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pisanty
*Unete al grupo UNAM en LinkedIn, http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/22285/4A106C0C8614
*Twitter: http://twitter.com/apisanty
---->> Unete a ISOC Mexico, http://www.isoc.org
Participa en ICANN, http://www.icann.org
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Desde: chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org [chapter-delegates-bounces at elists.isoc.org] en nombre de Anne Lord [lord at isoc.org]
Enviado el: jueves, 02 de febrero de 2012 20:47
Hasta: Alejandro Pisanty
CC: Chapter Delegates
Asunto: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Kind request to discuss your expectations with your Chapter's nominee to Chapters Workshop in Geneva
hi Alejandro, All,
Yes absolutely! We will of course make the committee known to
everyone as soon as we can. The reason we have not done so yet, is
that we are a little bit behind our schedule, and so we have not yet
established it, but we are in the process of doing so. In the
meantime, we thought it would be better to get the survey out asap.
Apologies for any concern caused.
best wishes,
On 02/02/2012, at 4:41 AM, Alejandro Pisanty wrote:
> Jacek,
> how beautiful and transparent it would be to have the names of the
> program committee known...
> Call that "Expectation Number One" if you will.
> Others to follow.
> Yours,
> Alejandro Pisanty
> On Wed, 1 Feb 2012 gajewski at isoc.org wrote:
>> Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 12:34:20 -0600
>> From: gajewski at isoc.org
>> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>> Cc: ISOC Chapter Support <chapter-support at isoc.org>
>> Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Kind request to discuss your
>> expectations with
>> your Chapter's nominee to Chapters Workshop in Geneva
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> We have had a great response to the Chapter workshop travel
>> fellowship
>> programme with over 80 confirmed attendees from Chapters all around
>> the world. Our next task, with your help and that of the
>> participants, is to build an agenda that meets the needs and
>> expectations of this very diverse group and of the Chapters. To help
>> us, we will be working with a small programme committee. Before we
>> start this task, we have asked the participants of the workshop to
>> tell us something about their expectations in attending this workshop
>> along with the expectations of your Chapter Board, as well as what
>> they and the Chapter hopes to accomplish in 2012 to advance the ISOC
>> mission and what skills and expertise they bring.
>> The survey questions are at:
>> https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2012_ISOC_Chapter_Workshop
>> Please help your travel fellowship nominee answer these questions
>> by discussing it with him or her. The results from the survey will be
>> sent to the Programme committee.
>> thank you for your help,
>> With best regards,
>> Jacek Gajewski
>> Chapter Development Manager
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Anne Lord, <lord at isoc.org>
Director of Chapters http://www.isoc.org
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