[Chapter-delegates] IETF position on Paid Prioritization

Anya Chambers chambers at isoc.org
Thu Sep 2 06:38:07 PDT 2010

 Dear all

You may have seen some media coverage relating to AT&T and its interpretation of a certain IETF standard,

for example: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13578_3-20015231-38.html

In conjunction with Russ Housley we have prepared the below statement to clarify:

IETF position on Paid Prioritization - Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) notes recent discussion in the U.S.
 media in connection with "paid prioritization" of Internet traffic
and the associated RFC being discussed within the Internet's technical community. 
AT&T's characterization of the IETF and its use of the term "paid
prioritization" is misleading. The IETF's prioritization technologies are
tools that allow users to indicate how they would like their service
providers to handle Internet traffic. The IETF does not imply any specific
payment based on prioritization as a separate service."

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