[Chapter-delegates] WSIS forum 2011 - deadlines
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Thu Sep 2 03:55:18 PDT 2010
*Open Consultation: Expression of Views on Venue for WSIS Forum 2011*
Dear WSIS Stakeholder,
WSIS Forum 2010, which marked the fifth anniversary of the World Summit
on the Information Society, was a successful event and gathered
unprecedented number of participants. You can find details on the WSIS
Forum 2010 webpage
http://www.itu.int/wsis/implementation/2010/forum/geneva/, they include:
the final executive briefing, interviews, video clippings and webcast of
the event.
ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD and UNDP are pleased to announce that the WSIS Forum
2011 will be held from 16^th to 20^th of May 2011 (www.wsis.org/forum
<file:///%5C%5Cwww.wsis.org%5Cforum>). The year 2011 paves the way for
the path beyond the halfway point between the successful conclusion of
the WSIS in 2005 and 2015, the year by which world leaders are committed
to attain the internationally agreed development goals, including
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and WSIS targets. We need to
redouble our efforts in the implementation of the decisions with the
determination to meet our own commitments.
Taking into account the above mentioned considerations, several WSIS
Stakeholders suggested holding the WSIS Forum 2011 in New York. It was
considered that WSIS Forum 2011 in New York would offer several
opportunities for further improving the WSIS process and would help: a)
enlarge the geographic reach of the discussions on the implementation of
the WSIS decisions b) enhance visibility of ICT debates in UN diplomatic
circles of NY; which may result in better reflection of this aspect in
the relevant UNGA resolutions concerning economic, social, educational
and cultural development, particularly in the least developing
countries, land-lock countries c) attract new stakeholders, including
international organizations, private sector and civil society
organizations active around the UN in New York, d) enhance participation
of NY based organizations, including, UNDP, UNDESA, UNICEF, UNOCHA and
others in WSIS implementation and follow-up process. It should be noted
that the move of the event to NY may entail some logistical challenges
for organizers and may add to travel and visa expenses for participants.
In this context, building upon discussions during the last WSIS Action
Line Facilitators Meeting (14 May 2010) at WSIS Forum 2010, the
organizers are pleased to invite all WSIS Stakeholders to participate in
an* **Open Consultation* to* **exchange their views on moving the venue
of the WSIS Forum from Geneva to New York*.
The multi-stakeholder on-line consultation will take place in three phases:
o *Phase One* 10^th August -- 10^th September 2010: Online
discussions at www.wsis-community.org
o *Phase Two*: 12^th September 2010: Deadline for submitting
official statement at www.wsis.org/forum
o *Phase Three*: 13^th -- 14^th September: Analysis of
submitted official statements
o *Final Announcement of Results*: 15^th September 2010
www.wsis.org/forum <http://www.wsis.org/forum>
Your views are important to us. Please seize this opportunity and advise
the organizers on your opinion not later than 12^th of September 2010 at
wsis-info at itu.int <mailto:wsis-info at itu.int>
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