[Chapter-delegates] UN CSTD WSIS Review Consultation - Deadline 14 December

Constance Bommelaer bommelaer at isoc.org
Thu Nov 25 04:28:50 PST 2010

Dear Members,


The UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD) is
holding an open consultation as part of its five-year review of
implementation and follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society
(WSIS). CSTD was given the responsibility for reviewing WSIS outcomes, on
behalf of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). 


The consultation takes the form of a questionnaire inviting free text
responses. Questions cover three main areas:

a.	Where there has been more or less progress in implementing WSIS
b.	What new Information Society themes and issues have emerged since
the Summit ended in 2005, and what implications they have for the future;
c.	Priorities for the next five years.


Note that there is also an opportunity to make other comments.


The Internet Society has participated to all phases of the WSIS and is
currently preparing a response to this consultation. We believe it is
important that the Internet technical community participates and stays
visible in this process, and would like to encourage you to respond to this
questionnaire which can be found at: http://www.unctad.info/en/CSTD_WSIS5.
The closing date for submissions is 14 December.


As ISOC drafts its response to this questionnaire, we would also of course
value your thoughts on the WSIS review. Please feel free to send us any
comments you may have (e.g. regional WSIS implementation examples) either on
this list or directly to Bill Graham (graham at isoc.org ) and me. 


Thank you and best regards,


Constance Bommelaer

Senior Manager

Strategic Global Engagement

Internet Society 

 <http://www.isoc.org/> www.isoc.org 


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