[Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Albania
Sabrina Wilmot
wilmot at isoc.org
Mon Nov 22 10:56:32 PST 2010
Dear Colleagues,
The following application for a Chapter in Albania has been received. It
is being sent to this list for peer comment and review.
Please note that the Chapter is not yet formed and has not officially
been recognised by the Internet Society.
If there are people on this list that know the individuals proposing to
establish the Chapter, feedback is especially welcome.
The period allowed for comments is two weeks and the deadline is
December 8, 2010.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on or off list.
Sabrina Wilmot
Internet Society
A. Proposed name of the Chapter
ISOC Chapter of Albania
B. Community of Interest the Chapter will to serve
C. Purpose and Scope of Chapter
Some objectives of this chapter are the following:
• ensuring the dynamic functioning of this chapter within the framework
set forth by the laws and regulations of the Internet Society (Isoc), in
order to assemble around the worldwide Internet network the Albanian
actors who are active and responsible in all sectors of society
• associating itself with the objectives of the Isoc, to favor access to
the Internet for the greatest possible number, while reinforcing the
measures for filtering sites which are unsuitable for children.
• promoting the Albanian culture throughout the world via the Internet
• building up the relations between citizens and the Internet, by
encouraging interactive multimedia training in all educational sectors,
so as to instill the spirit of "knowing how to learn and find
everything" so as to facilitate the reconversion, by increasing access
to knowledge, ongoing training, the sharing of resources as well as by
tracing out the essential passage between the world of learning and that
of employment
• managing the new citizenship generated in real time by the virtual
society, by ensuring the protection of privacy, the consideration of
ethical concerns and the preservation of traditional customs (reading,
writing, language, etc.).
• regularly evaluating the effectiveness of Internet equipment and
projects placed at the service of Internet users in Albania in order to
ensure their harmonious participation in the networked society.
D. Founding Members of the Chapter
1. Shefqet Meda
Tirane, Albania
2. Vasil Mitezi
Tirane, Albania
3. Endri Kote
Tirane, Albania
E. List of Supporters
-Klodian Zyberi,
Software analysis, modeling, designing, performance, improvement,
developer etc.
Will be part of Chapter and will build and maintain the web site:
Electronic & Automatic Albania-
-Xhevahir LLakaj
Installation and maintenance of equipment and software used in
electronic industry.
Will be part of Chapter and will establish relationships with
businesses, especially those operating in the field of Internet.
University of Tirana-
-Prof. Anila Sulstarova
- Involvement of students in the discussion of Internet issues and as a
cognitive of social networking problems and research.
Press Subscription Agency-
- Arben Trenova
- Support of Chapter with infrastructure.
CRCA- Children's Rights Centre of Albania
-Altin Hazizaj
-Influencing policy and legislation, strengthening the capacities to
work with children, and improving respect for children’s rights in the
country. Especially to protect children from abuse through the Internet,
social networks, etc.
During the preparation of this application we had a lot of contacts for
other supporters who intend to be part of this chapter.
F. List of Requirements
The official chapter structure conforms to the criteria required of an
Albanian non-profit organization, as well as the Internet Society’s
requirements for the accreditation of ISOC Chapters.
G. Additional Information
The ISOC Chapter of Albania is the first and unique chapter for Albania.
The eligibility requirements for our chapter's constituents/membership
consist in the application form that will be published at the
http://www.isoc.al, after accepting our request.
H. Your Contact Information
Shefqet Meda
Tirane, Albania
[on file]
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