[Chapter-delegates] Update re Privacy activities

runnegar at isoc.org runnegar at isoc.org
Thu Nov 18 07:37:31 PST 2010

Dear colleagues,
We would like to briefly update you on some InternetSociety activities in the area of privacy and data protection.
Internet Society membership survey report
Earlier this year, the Internet Societyinvited its members (chapters, organisational and global) to participate in asurvey on privacy and data protection. The objective of the survey was togather information from across our broad membership around the world,specifically focusing on how issues of privacy and data protection are dealtwith in their regulatory environments. 
We would like to thank all ourmembers who participated in this survey. The responses to this survey arehelpful in identifying the wide-ranging views on privacy and will be useful inguiding the Internet Society’s future work in this area.
A copy of the report on thesurvey responses is available here:
Report: [http://www.isoc.org/internet/issues/docs/privacy-survey_2010.pdf] http://www.isoc.org/internet/issues/docs/privacy-survey_2010.pdf
Annexures: [http://www.isoc.org/internet/issues/docs/privacy-survey-annexures_2010.pdf] http://www.isoc.org/internet/issues/docs/privacy-survey-annexures_2010.pdf
We presented some of these responses at INET Singapore today.
Report on the IGF workshop – The Future ofPrivacy
The Internet Society and the ElectronicFrontier Foundation have produced a detailed report on the IGF workshop – TheFuture of Privacy. 
A copy of the joint report is availablehere: [http://www.isoc.org/pubpolpillar/docs/future-privacy%2020100914.pdf] http://www.isoc.org/pubpolpillar/docs/future-privacy%2020100914.pdf.It is also available on the IGF website at [http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/components/com_chronocontact/uploads/ProposalsReports2010/20101118100112_future-privacy.pdf] http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/components/com_chronocontact/uploads/ProposalsReports2010/20101118100112_future-privacy.pdf.
We would also like to thank the Internettechnical community for supporting the Internet Society in this endeavour andcontributing very considered and insightful perspectives on the Future ofPrivacy for presentation at this workshop ([http://www.isoc.org/privacyinsights] www.isoc.org/privacyinsights).This is part of an ongoing effort by the Internet Society to bring Internettechnical expertise and perspectives to the policy dialogue on privacy. 
ITAC presentation at OECD PrivacyConference
The Internet Society represented theInternet Technical Advisory Committee (ITAC) in a panel on Fostering Innovationin Privacy Protection at the OECD Conference on the Evolving Role of the Individual inPrivacy Protection: 30 Years after the OECD Privacy Guidelines in Israel.
A copy of ITAC’s speakingnotes is available on the ITAC website via: [http://www.internetac.org/?cat=4] http://www.internetac.org/?cat=4.
We welcome your feedback andcomments. 
Note: The reports can also be accessed via [http://www.isoc.org/privacy] www.isoc.org/privacy.
If you have any queries,please do not hesitate to contact me at [mailto:runnegar at isoc.org] runnegar at isoc.org.
Best regards,
Christine Runnegar
Senior Manager Public Policy
Internet Society

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