[Chapter-delegates] Rush - Comments Sought: Draft ISOC contribution to UN DESA consultation on enhanced cooperation

Khaled KOUBAA khaled.koubaa at gmail.com
Thu Nov 11 21:33:23 PST 2010

I read it and I am ok with it.
I like your conclusion Bill.
Thank you

Le 11/11/2010 05:41, Bill Graham a écrit :
> All,
> I have drawn on existing ISOC material on enhanced cooperation to repackage the attached comments for the new UN DESA consultation, with a preferred deadline of 15 November.  (see http://www.unpan.org/dpadm/wsisfollowup/).
> Please get me your comments and suggestions asap, but not later than end of day Friday.
> I sincerely apologize for the very short time available for comments, but with the hectic fall schedule and multiple consultations that have come up, I just haven't been able to get further ahead of the curve to send this earlier.  However, there is not new material here except the last few paragraphs, and so it has benefited from your comments over the last couple of years.
> Regards
> Bill
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