[Chapter-delegates] Video: Why join the Internet Society community?

Christine Saegesser saegesser at isoc.org
Thu Nov 4 09:34:03 PDT 2010

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to share with you a brand-new video featuring a number of Chapter members talking about why they joined the Internet Society community.

You can view that video at www.isoc.org/chapters 

It is also featured on the Internet Society homepage at www.isoc.org 

This video has been launched in advance of the Chapter "Recruit-a-member Challenge" that will start in February 2011 and which will run for 3 months. There will be lucky draw prizes for those that successfully recruit members to join the Chapters.

The current video is based on a series of interviews conducted during the recent Chapter Workshop in London. For the actual launch of the 'Challenge' in February 2011, we will produce a second version of the video, which will incorporate additional voices, namely from our African Chapter Workshop in Tunis last week.

If you are interested to join the group of volunteers helping to shape the 'Challenge', then please send an email to <chapter-support at isoc.org>.

Best regards,


Internet Society (ISOC)
Christine Saegesser Baethge
Manager, Chapters and Individual Members
Website: www.InternetSociety.org

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