[Chapter-delegates] Your input valued for Paradiso workshop keynote

Anya Chambers chambers at isoc.org
Thu Nov 4 07:09:22 PDT 2010

Dear all

We would value your input.

We  appreciate that there have been many surveys recently but thought that this was an interesting opportunity for our membership to provide input.

On 23rd November, Lynn St. Amour will deliver the keynote presentation at the PARADISO workshop at the European Commission in Brussels that will discuss: "Understanding the interactions between Internet and societal developments".
 For more information, visit: http://paradiso-fp7.eu/contact-us/2010workshop/

 Lynn's speech will frame the three plenary sessions that make up the event:
Session 1: Visions of the future of our societies

Session 2: Visions of the Future Internet

Session 3: How could the future Internet support a better society? 
We'd very much like to hear what you think about these three topics. Your input will be collated and presented to the audience as part of Lynn's presentation.

You can add your opinions to the survey here:

We haven't got long until the presentation, so please add your comments before next Friday 12th November.

Many thanks in advance for your help.



Anya Chambers
Internet Society

mobile: +1 224 321 0378
web: www.InternetSociety.org
twitter: InternetSociety

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