[Chapter-delegates] November 21 to 30: Who is Who in the Internet World Now in ECUADOR

Andreu Veà landreu at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 09:38:18 PDT 2009


Dear Chapter Delegates in Ecuador,


I’m pleased to announce you, that as part of our dissemination efforts and
“history” research from each country, at the end of november I’ll visit
Ecuador, and I’d be very interested on personally interview and digitally
record to “Ecuador’s internet fathers”. 


I meant with this the person/s who brought this technology to El Ecuador.
And to know in what date the first TCP/IP packet was switched.


As this is a message for Ecuador’s chapter delegates, I’d ask to reply me in
private (thanks in advance. I don’t know if Carlos Vera is still the


Thanks in advance,


        Andreu Veà

        ISOC-ES (Spain)

        Board of Directors




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