[Chapter-delegates] Communications materials development

Gunela Astbrink g.astbrink at gsa.com.au
Tue Oct 20 15:39:12 PDT 2009

Hi Greg,

As part of developing communications materials, may I suggest that there 
be a general communications policy both for ISOC and Chapters that 
incorporates principles for accessibility for people with disabilities.

This includes e-meeting facilities, database design, website design as 
well as graphic materials that can be rendered in alternative formats. 
This will truly make any information materials inclusive for everyone.

I'll be happy to provide further guidance on this.

Gunela Astbrink
Director, Internet Society of Australia

Greg Wood wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are working to develop a graphic approach that strengthens, enhances, 
> and unifies the Internet Society's visual style across a wide-range of 
> materials (in print and online, in presentation slides and web pages, as 
> well as many other items).
> An important goal of this effort is to apply the graphic approach to 
> materials that can be adapted and customized to meet the needs of 
> Chapter leaders for materials to support their outreach efforts.
> As a first step towards that goal, I would like to engage interested 
> individuals on this list in developing a presentation template that can 
> be used and easily adapted by Chapters. Part of that effort will be 
> ensuring appropriate input and consultation by the Chapter community 
> before finalizing the template.
> Please feel free to send email directly to wood at isoc.org if you would 
> like to participate.
> Sincerely,
> -Greg
> -- 
> Greg Wood
> Internet Society
> InternetSociety.org
> office: +1-703-439-2145
> mobile: +1-703-625-3917
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