[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore, India

Carlos Vera Quintana cveraq at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 03:47:43 PDT 2009

I though this discussion finish already?

Carlos Vera
ISOC Ecuador

From: Anne Lord 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 2:02 AM
To: Chapter Delegates 
Subject: [Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore,India

This message is being reposted to chapter delegates as it was held up previously.

Begin forwarded message:

  From: "Naresh Ajwani" <naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com>
  Date: 5 October 2009 12:00:31 AM
  To: "'Rajesh Aggarwal'" <rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com>, "'Anne Lord'" <lord at isoc.org>
  Cc: "'Chapter Delegates'" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>, <chapter-support at isoc.org>, "'Sivasubramanian Muthusamy'" <isolatedn at gmail.com>, <rmohan at yahoo.com>, "'Naresh Ajwani'" <ajwaninaresh at gmail.com>
  Subject: RE: [Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore, India

  Dear All,
  With 22 languages and the next to next billion of internet to be in India, I think Mr. Aggarwal has a point in opening more chapters as that would encourage participation for bottom up approach of internet vide ISOC in India. 
  I suggest Mr. Aggarwal shall lead to set up a chapter in Mumbai, in case it is not there. 
  Dear Rajneesh,
  As NRO NC and Secretary of ISPAI, if I can be of any contribution to ISOC, it would be my privilege. 


  From: Rajesh Aggarwal [mailto:rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com] 
  Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 8:03 AM
  To: Anne Lord
  Cc: Chapter Delegates; chapter-support at isoc.org; Sivasubramanian Muthusamy; rmohan at yahoo.com; naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com
  Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore, India
  Dear All,

  I fully support Ram Mohan's remarks regarding the need to have a separate chapter for Bangalore. When we revived Delhi Chapter more than a year ago, we had detailed discussions on this multiple Chapters issue from people from many walks of life and different cities. Consensus was that rather than forming a single All India ISOC Chapter, we should encourage "different flowers to bloom"- that is, different Chapters in major Metros at least. I am sure that you will soon receive Applications from Hyderabad and Mumbai- all of us should encourage this rather than trying to throttle new ones from coming up.

  Rajesh Aggarwal,
  (earlier from NIXI, now moved on to new Assignment in Mumbai)


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