[Chapter-delegates] good response from Lynn in the Wall Street Journal

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Mon Oct 12 11:01:01 PDT 2009

For those of you, who don't follow the US media, the Wall Street Journal 
is a conservative media, owned by Mr. R. Murdoch, who most probably, 
owns a TV station (like in Bulgaria), or some other media in your own 


U.S. Not Abandoning Internet Role

I and the Internet Society (ISOC) respectfully disagree with Jeremy 
Rabkin and Jeffrey Eisenach's "The U.S. Abandons the Internet 
(op-ed, Oct. 3), which asks if the Obama administration has "just given 
up U.S. responsibility for protecting the Internet?"

The overall health of the global Internet relies on ongoing development, 
coordination and management across a broad range of organizations and 
stakeholders from around the world.

By ending the Joint Project Agreement (JPA), the U.S. Department of 
Commerce has helped transition management and oversight of one aspect of 
the Internet---the domain-names system---to a multistakeholder- and 
private sector-led model, bringing the Internet Corporation for Assigned 
Names and Numbers' (Icann) role as the steward over the domain-names 
system in line with the model that has served other areas of the 
Internet so well for the past 40 years.

This step will help Icann emphasize and enhance transparency, 
stakeholder participation, evidence-based decision-making processes and 
accountability that will, in the long run, provide a healthier Internet 
for us all. Our community is happy to see the U.S. Department of 
Commerce taking this step.

*Lynn St.Amour*

President and CEO

Internet Society


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