[Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore, India

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Sun Oct 11 22:10:56 PDT 2009

hi Rudi,

Great - I've added a presentation from you on this topic for the  
Chapters meeting in Seoul.  A working group of interested and willing  
volunteers sounds like the right thing to do,  because as I understand  
it,  the proposal would require active collaboration and commitment  
from other chapter delegates to make it work.   It would also be very  
good to see a documented proposal.

Re: the Chapter handbook - work has been going on for the best part of  
this year with review provided by the editorial committee.  The latest  
version of the handbook is not on the wiki but will be very soon (this  
is my bad as I have not been updating the wiki). Wendy and I have been  
reaching out to chapter delegates to obtain as much information as we  
can in terms of tips and advice that chapter leaders want to pass to  
other chapter leaders and we have had some great input and material.  
Rather than doing public chasing we've been doing it behind the scenes.

The editorial committee has also been very helpful and we are about to  
schedule another call with them to review the latest draft.  The  
format that it is now in, is not the final version and it will be  
translated into French and Spanish. Moreover as the Chapter Handbook  
is substantially mostly about content from Chapters, the hope is that  
this will be a living document and others will update it.   The  
project is due to be completed before the end of the year.

Thanks for your offer of collaboration. I'd be very happy to send you  
(or anyone interested) a draft, or I can let you know as soon as the  
wiki is updated.

Many thanks

> Dear Anne,
> Dear all,
> In answer to your question about more details on "Chapters support  
> for Chapters" I want to point back to what happened in India frist  
> of all. Secondly, as I already proposed several times the last 3  
> years, I  herewith propose again the idea of having chapter  
> delegates who are  (very) active in their chapter and have a good  
> visibility to the community, to go abroad helping starting or  
> "sleeping" chapters with some hands-on projects and activities.  
> Today, and this for several years already, initiatives are always  
> coming top-down while I'm convinced, and I'm not alone I suppose, we  
> need more and more bottom-up processes. I don't say ISOC staff is  
> not doing good work, but as in many corporations often the best  
> productive sites and having the best results are affiliates steered  
> by colleagues and not by HQ staff or HQ board members. For instance,  
> each chapter has its own way of action as it very often react to the  
> local situation and local requirements. Culture being a very  
> important aspect, language and politics certainly following very  
> closely.
> That's why I want to launch the proposal of having a ""Chapters  
> support for Chapters" working group first in order to establish the  
> criteria for further deployment of a constituency . More details  
> about the mission and functions will follow, I need a bit more time  
> to write this down.
> In regards the handbook I would like to know from colleague chapter- 
> leaders/delegates their perception of :
> - clarity of the wiki on the Chapter handbook;
> - do they know which docs are linked/used in this phase ? and can  
> they find them ?
> - what is the added value today to their chapter ?
> I'm willing to collaborate but it looks to me very difficult to have  
> a view on who and what has already been accomplished as in the wiki  
> it's a status quo for months. Perhaps it's my fault and it's up to  
> me to get on track ... but however newcomers would probably suffer  
> from the same problem.
> Hope I have not been to critical, still I tried to measure my  
> wording and want to keep every possibility open for a constructive  
> talk after the years I've been asking for some approval of above  
> mentioned idea and offer. For me Seoul will be the place to make for  
> myself also a final decision on what I will share and what i'll keep  
> for myself. All depends on the spirit of the group ...
> Best regards and have a nice weekend,
> Rudi Vansnick
> President Internet Society Belgium vzw
> Voorzitter TIK vzw
> Board member EURALO (ALAC - ICANN)
> Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39
> GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
> www.isoc.be <http://www.isoc.be> - www.vansnick.eu <http://www.vansnick.eu 
> >
> Anne Lord schreef:
>> hi Rudi,
>> Thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. We and I am  
>> sure others would be very interested to hear details on your idea  
>> of a "Chapters support for Chapters" at the forthcoming Chapters  
>> and Members meeting in Seoul. It sounds like an excellent topic for  
>> discussion and we will add it to the agenda.  If you have something  
>> more concrete to propose for discussion - even better!
>> In the same vein, sharing the knowledge and expertise in the  
>> Chapter network  to  help each other is something that we have  
>> tried to capture in the Chapter Handbook, which is still under  
>> development, and will be finished at the end of the year. Many of  
>> you have contributed your knowledge and expertise to this and it is  
>> still not too late to do so! (so please email <chapter-support at isoc.org 
>> > if you you have information that you think others could learn  or  
>> benefit from - thank you).   More broadly, "sharing our success" is  
>> a theme that we would like to promote more in next years programmes  
>> and in our work.
>> Look forward to hearing more at the Seoul chapters and members  
>> meeting,
>> Best wishes,
>> Anne
>> -- 
>>> I also share the concerns of Siva, and agree on the comments of  
>>> Franck and Veni. We need a closer band with our colleagues chapter  
>>> delegates not by having monthly reporting on activities in the  
>>> newsletter but by discussing ongoing problems within chapters by  
>>> chapters. I personally think that this could work better than just  
>>> having HQ pointing to a chapter when an incident occurs. As I see  
>>> the case of India, I can imagine this could easily happen in each  
>>> country, even the smallest ones. If membership to ISOC and ISOC  
>>> chapters is just a question of numbers and officer seats, I'm  
>>> afraid something is wrong in the perception of a chapter.
>>> At the other hand, creating a chapter because another is not  
>>> really active, or doesn't fit in the meanings of some members,  
>>> there should be at least a chapter negotiation with eventually  
>>> another chapter delegate(s) in order to find a consensus on the  
>>> continuity of the initial chapter and, if needed, a close  
>>> collaboration with old and new one.
>>> I would like to propose the set-up of a "Chapters support among  
>>> chapters" where only chapter delegates would be active, and this  
>>> aside the ISOQ HQ chapter support.
>>> Mission :
>>> - help chapters in difficulty or almost in sleeping mode;
>>> - channel activities which are helpful for chapters at regional or  
>>> even local level (sharing ideas);
>>> - build a forum where cross chapter aspects could be explored, by  
>>> means of samples but also as a drop point for eventually cross  
>>> border activities;
>>> I would like to bring up this proposal to the Seoul meeting,  
>>> giving me the time to work out a draft of the proposal as a  
>>> project among chapters.
>>> All remarks/comments are welcome.
>>> I'm awaiting your reactions,
>>> Best regards,
>>> Rudi Vansnick
>>> President Internet Society Belgium vzw
>>> Voorzitter TIK vzw
>>> Board member EURALO (ALAC - ICANN)
>>> Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39
>>> GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
>>> www.isoc.be <http://www.isoc.be> - www.vansnick.eu <http://www.vansnick.eu 
>>> >
>>> Veni Markovski schreef:
>>>> I share Franck's notes, and having the Bulgarian chapter in  
>>>> situations
>>>> with ISOC.org in the past, I feel Shiva may need more support  
>>>> from the
>>>> rest of us, while keeping the options for new chapters in India  
>>>> open.
>>>> After all, it is important to at least try to build good  
>>>> relations not
>>>> only between ISOC.org and the chapters but also between the  
>>>> chapters
>>>> in any given country.
>>>> Veni
>>>> On 10/8/09, Sabrina Wilmot <wilmot at isoc.org> wrote:
>>>>> Shiva,
>>>>> We will address your points below in our meeting with you  
>>>>> scheduled
>>>>> today and will send the outcome later to the list.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>      Sabrina Wilmot
>>>>>      Manager, Chapters & Individual Members
>>>>>      Internet Society (ISOC)   www.isoc.org
>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>>>> On 10/8/2009 4:13 AM, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> In the list of members for the proposed Bangalore chapter the  
>>>>>> members'
>>>>>> organizational affiliations are not shown. Only one of the  
>>>>>> proposers has
>>>>>> identified himself as from Oracle India Business Center (which  
>>>>>> now
>>>>>> includes Sun Microsystems?)
>>>>>> The proposal for the Bangalore chapter is to cover the  
>>>>>> geographical area
>>>>>> "which includes (but is not limited to) Bangalore, Hyderabad,  
>>>>>> Pune,
>>>>>> Mumbai, Goa and nearby areas" The chennai chapter is chartered  
>>>>>> to cover
>>>>>> the geographical regions of Tamilnadu (Chennai), Kerala, Andhra  
>>>>>> Pradesh
>>>>>> (Hyderabad) and Karnataka (Bangalore). The proposal for  
>>>>>> Bangalore is to
>>>>>> split away 75 out of our 120 members.
>>>>>> Are we to become a chapter of 45 members from being a chapter  
>>>>>> of 120
>>>>>> members? Are we to abandon all work being planned in Bangalore?  
>>>>>> Should I
>>>>>> go back to the chapter list to say that those from other  
>>>>>> regions have to
>>>>>> join the Bangalore chapter? (It wouldn't make sense if those from
>>>>>> Bangalore continue with the Chennai chapter, if the Bangalore  
>>>>>> proposal
>>>>>> is approved.)
>>>>>> It would have been a natural progression if we waited till  
>>>>>> there is some
>>>>>> more activity at Bangalore and proposed on our own a chapter in
>>>>>> Bangalore for the convenience of those in Bangalore. Instead this
>>>>>> application is received and being processed as if Bangalore is
>>>>>> completely unrelated to the Chennai chapter.
>>>>>> A chapter in Bangalore is a good idea. A chapter is Hyderabad  
>>>>>> is a good
>>>>>> idea. Rammohan of Affilias and Rajesh Aggarwal of ISOC Delhi  
>>>>>> have said
>>>>>> this and I agree. But ISOC Chennai already includes Bangalore and
>>>>>> Hyderabad and why would anyone show an interest in altering the
>>>>>> constitution of ISOC Chennai? This is not right.
>>>>>> Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Franck Martin <franck at avonsys.com
>>>>>> <mailto:franck at avonsys.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>   I'm all for the creation of new chapters in India, but the  
>>>>>> whole
>>>>>>   point of this discussion was that:
>>>>>>   1) ISOC HQ should direct members first to existing chapters
>>>>>>   2) if ISOC members are willing to create a new chapter, then  
>>>>>> they
>>>>>>   should get as much as possible the blessing of existing near by
>>>>>>   chapters especially when the proposed chapter is in the area  
>>>>>> of a
>>>>>>   previously chartered chapter.
>>>>>>   Franck Martin
>>>>>>   http://www.avonsys.com/
>>>>>>   twitter: FranckMartin <http://twitter.com/FranckMartin>
>>>>>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>   From: "Rajesh Aggarwal" <rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com
>>>>>>   <mailto:rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com>>
>>>>>>   To: "Anne Lord" <lord at isoc.org <mailto:lord at isoc.org>>
>>>>>>   Cc: "Chapter Delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>>>>>>   <mailto:chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>>, "naresh ajwani"
>>>>>>   <naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com  
>>>>>> <mailto:naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com>>,
>>>>>>   chapter-support at isoc.org <mailto:chapter-support at isoc.org>
>>>>>>   Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 2:32:58 PM GMT +12:00 Fiji
>>>>>>   Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Application to form a  
>>>>>> Chapter in
>>>>>>   Bangalore, India
>>>>>>   Dear All,
>>>>>>   I fully support Ram Mohan's remarks regarding the need to  
>>>>>> have a
>>>>>>   separate chapter for Bangalore. When we revived Delhi Chapter  
>>>>>> more
>>>>>>   than a year ago, we had detailed discussions on this multiple
>>>>>>   Chapters issue from people from many walks of life and  
>>>>>> different
>>>>>>   cities. Consensus was that rather than forming a single All  
>>>>>> India
>>>>>>   ISOC Chapter, we should encourage "different flowers to  
>>>>>> bloom"- that
>>>>>>   is, different Chapters in major Metros at least. I am sure  
>>>>>> that you
>>>>>>   will soon receive Applications from Hyderabad and Mumbai- all  
>>>>>> of us
>>>>>>   should encourage this rather than trying to throttle new ones  
>>>>>> from
>>>>>>   coming up.
>>>>>>   Rajesh Aggarwal,
>>>>>>   (earlier from NIXI, now moved on to new Assignment in Mumbai)
>>>>>>   _______________________________________________
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>> Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
>> Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
>> Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"
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Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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