[Chapter-delegates] [PICISOC] Samoa Tsunami Appeal

Franck Martin franck at avonsys.com
Thu Oct 8 13:50:44 PDT 2009

If some of your members would like to contribute to this appeal. Thanks 

Franck Martin 
twitter: FranckMartin 

----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: "Franck Martin" <franck at avonsys.com> 
To: "Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society Discussion List" <picisoc at picisoc.org> 
Sent: Thursday, 8 October, 2009 7:06:08 PM GMT +12:00 Fiji 
Subject: [PICISOC] Samoa Tsunami Appeal 

We are calling all our members to support us in fund raising to send Solar and Crank powered radios to the affected families of Samoa 

We have asked our members in Samoa what is urgently needed, and what we could offer. Green Power of Vanuatu has offered to sell at cost (about USD50) the radios. Digicel Vanuatu will pay for the shipping to Samoa, where our members there, coordinated by Dave Main from CSL, and the NDMO will distribute the radios to the families affected by the recent Tsunami. Tonga has been covered in this area by an other organisation. PICISOC will contribute FJD1000 or about USD500, we are calling on all our members to contribute to this cause. People there have lost everything and these radios will allow them to receive news. Today 8 October there was another Tsunami warning showing that communication are urgently needed for people with nothing left. 

To contribute send the money to: 

Account Name: Green Power 
Account Number: 1219895 
Currency: VUV (Vanuatu Vatu) 
Bank: Anz Bank, Port Vila, Branch, PMB 9003, Lini Highway, Vanuatu 

Please send an email to our member David Stein at solarsolutions at vanuatu.com.vu to alert him of the transferred money. Our objective is to raise USD5,000 before Friday 16th October to cover about 100 families in Samoa. 

Franck Martin 
twitter: FranckMartin 

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