[Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in Bangalore, India

Rudi Vansnick rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Thu Oct 8 13:14:57 PDT 2009

I also share the concerns of Siva, and agree on the comments of Franck 
and Veni. We need a closer band with our colleagues chapter delegates 
not by having monthly reporting on activities in the newsletter but by 
discussing ongoing problems within chapters by chapters. I personally 
think that this could work better than just having HQ pointing to a 
chapter when an incident occurs. As I see the case of India, I can 
imagine this could easily happen in each country, even the smallest 
ones. If membership to ISOC and ISOC chapters is just a question of 
numbers and officer seats, I'm afraid something is wrong in the 
perception of a chapter.

At the other hand, creating a chapter because another is not really 
active, or doesn't fit in the meanings of some members, there should be 
at least a chapter negotiation with eventually another chapter 
delegate(s) in order to find a consensus on the continuity of the 
initial chapter and, if needed, a close collaboration with old and new one.

I would like to propose the set-up of a "Chapters support among 
chapters" where only chapter delegates would be active, and this aside 
the ISOQ HQ chapter support.
Mission :
- help chapters in difficulty or almost in sleeping mode;
- channel activities which are helpful for chapters at regional or even 
local level (sharing ideas);
- build a forum where cross chapter aspects could be explored, by means 
of samples but also as a drop point for eventually cross border activities;

I would like to bring up this proposal to the Seoul meeting, giving me 
the time to work out a draft of the proposal as a project among chapters.

All remarks/comments are welcome.

I'm awaiting your reactions,

Best regards,

Rudi Vansnick
President Internet Society Belgium vzw
Voorzitter TIK vzw
Board member EURALO (ALAC - ICANN)

Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39
GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32
www.isoc.be <http://www.isoc.be> - www.vansnick.eu <http://www.vansnick.eu>

Veni Markovski schreef:
> I share Franck's notes, and having the Bulgarian chapter in situations
> with ISOC.org in the past, I feel Shiva may need more support from the
> rest of us, while keeping the options for new chapters in India open.
> After all, it is important to at least try to build good relations not
> only between ISOC.org and the chapters but also between the chapters
> in any given country.
> Veni
> On 10/8/09, Sabrina Wilmot <wilmot at isoc.org> wrote:
>> Shiva,
>> We will address your points below in our meeting with you scheduled
>> today and will send the outcome later to the list.
>> Regards,
>>        Sabrina Wilmot
>>        Manager, Chapters & Individual Members
>>        Internet Society (ISOC)   www.isoc.org
>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>> On 10/8/2009 4:13 AM, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> In the list of members for the proposed Bangalore chapter the members'
>>> organizational affiliations are not shown. Only one of the proposers has
>>> identified himself as from Oracle India Business Center (which now
>>> includes Sun Microsystems?)
>>> The proposal for the Bangalore chapter is to cover the geographical area
>>> "which includes (but is not limited to) Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune,
>>> Mumbai, Goa and nearby areas" The chennai chapter is chartered to cover
>>> the geographical regions of Tamilnadu (Chennai), Kerala, Andhra Pradesh
>>> (Hyderabad) and Karnataka (Bangalore). The proposal for Bangalore is to
>>> split away 75 out of our 120 members.
>>> Are we to become a chapter of 45 members from being a chapter of 120
>>> members? Are we to abandon all work being planned in Bangalore? Should I
>>> go back to the chapter list to say that those from other regions have to
>>> join the Bangalore chapter? (It wouldn't make sense if those from
>>> Bangalore continue with the Chennai chapter, if the Bangalore proposal
>>> is approved.)
>>> It would have been a natural progression if we waited till there is some
>>> more activity at Bangalore and proposed on our own a chapter in
>>> Bangalore for the convenience of those in Bangalore. Instead this
>>> application is received and being processed as if Bangalore is
>>> completely unrelated to the Chennai chapter.
>>> A chapter in Bangalore is a good idea. A chapter is Hyderabad is a good
>>> idea. Rammohan of Affilias and Rajesh Aggarwal of ISOC Delhi have said
>>> this and I agree. But ISOC Chennai already includes Bangalore and
>>> Hyderabad and why would anyone show an interest in altering the
>>> constitution of ISOC Chennai? This is not right.
>>> Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
>>> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Franck Martin <franck at avonsys.com
>>> <mailto:franck at avonsys.com>> wrote:
>>>     I'm all for the creation of new chapters in India, but the whole
>>>     point of this discussion was that:
>>>     1) ISOC HQ should direct members first to existing chapters
>>>     2) if ISOC members are willing to create a new chapter, then they
>>>     should get as much as possible the blessing of existing near by
>>>     chapters especially when the proposed chapter is in the area of a
>>>     previously chartered chapter.
>>>     Franck Martin
>>>     http://www.avonsys.com/
>>>     twitter: FranckMartin <http://twitter.com/FranckMartin>
>>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>>     From: "Rajesh Aggarwal" <rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com
>>>     <mailto:rajeshaggarwal.ias at gmail.com>>
>>>     To: "Anne Lord" <lord at isoc.org <mailto:lord at isoc.org>>
>>>     Cc: "Chapter Delegates" <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>>>     <mailto:chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>>, "naresh ajwani"
>>>     <naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com <mailto:naresh.ajwani at sifycorp.com>>,
>>>     chapter-support at isoc.org <mailto:chapter-support at isoc.org>
>>>     Sent: Saturday, 3 October, 2009 2:32:58 PM GMT +12:00 Fiji
>>>     Subject: Re: [Chapter-delegates] Application to form a Chapter in
>>>     Bangalore, India
>>>     Dear All,
>>>     I fully support Ram Mohan's remarks regarding the need to have a
>>>     separate chapter for Bangalore. When we revived Delhi Chapter more
>>>     than a year ago, we had detailed discussions on this multiple
>>>     Chapters issue from people from many walks of life and different
>>>     cities. Consensus was that rather than forming a single All India
>>>     ISOC Chapter, we should encourage "different flowers to bloom"- that
>>>     is, different Chapters in major Metros at least. I am sure that you
>>>     will soon receive Applications from Hyderabad and Mumbai- all of us
>>>     should encourage this rather than trying to throttle new ones from
>>>     coming up.
>>>     Rajesh Aggarwal,
>>>     (earlier from NIXI, now moved on to new Assignment in Mumbai)
>>>     _______________________________________________
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>>>     Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org
>>>     <mailto:Chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
>>>     http://elists.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/chapter-delegates
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