[Chapter-delegates] [Fw:Request for Proposals from Bill Gates Foundation: Grand Challenges Explorations in Global Health Research]

Khaled KOUBAA khaled.koubaa at topnet.tn
Sun Oct 4 13:51:20 PDT 2009


*Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation* have announced the call for proposals 
for the Round 4 of the Grand Challenges Explorations in Global Health 
Research. The Grand Challenges Explorations initiative provides *funding 
support for “innovative ideas that could lead to new vaccines, 
diagnostics, drugs, and other technologies targeting diseases that claim 
millions of lives every year.”* The initiative intends “to accelerate 
the discovery of new technologies to improve global health” and this is 
done through an open, international competition where NGOs, 
international organizations, governments, academic institutions and even 
private companies from any part of the world can participate by 
submitting their ideas on the given topics.  This year, the topics for 
which the ideas will be considered are:

    * Create New Technologies for Contraception
    * Create New Ways to Induce and Measure Mucosal Immunity
    * Create Low-Cost Diagnostics for Priority Global Health Conditions
    * Create New Ways to Protect Against Infectious Disease.

The competition is unique in a way that it only seeks a two-page 
application and speedily processes it by making the results known in 
approximately three months. The initial grant offered to grantees is 
around US $100,000, but there is also the potential of receiving 
follow-up funding of up to one million dollars from the Foundation.

Innovation of the ideas proposed is critical to participate in the Grand 
Challenges Explorations. Although no data or background information, the 
short application should clearly demonstrate the experimental evidence 
of the idea proposed. Applications have to be submitted online. The last 
date for submitting the applications is 2 November 2009. For more 
information, visit this* link* 


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