[Chapter-delegates] Belgium is chocked ... 3 babies murdered, one adult and 12 others wounded by a young man of 20 years old.

Rudi Vansnick rudi.vansnick at isoc.be
Sat Jan 24 10:32:29 PST 2009


We are chocked. Yesterday, a young man (20 years old) killed 3 babies
(between 0-3 years) and an adult, 12 others were wounded.

See the message at

Police secure the crime scene at the children's daycare centre on
January 23, 2009 in Dendermonde, Belgium. Two children and an adult have
been killed and 10 others wounded in a knife attack at a Belgian
nursery. The suspect, apparently wearing face paint, went on a rampage
after tricking his way into the creche then escaped the scene on a
bicycle but was later arrested.
12:08 p.m. ET, 1/23/09

Other news sources in English :

We have already started a process at our website where everybody can
drop their feelings and comments or can send an email to
dendermonde at isoc.be.
Wednesday we will send all received messages to the families and the
city of Dendermonde.

Kind regards,

Rudi Vansnick
President - CEO Internet Society Belgium vzw
Vice-chair ISOC European Chapters Coordinating Council - Barcelona Spain
Board member EURALO (ALAC-ICANN)

Dendermondesteenweg 143
B-9070 Destelbergen
GSM: +32 (0)475 28 16 32 - Tel: +32 (0)70 77 39 39
www.isoc.be <http://www.isoc.be>  - www.euralo.org <http://www.euralo.org>

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