[Chapter-delegates] Fwd: Chapter Handbook - Step 2 - Editorial Committee

Anne Lord lord at isoc.org
Tue Dec 9 20:36:13 PST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

We had an excellent response to the request for volunteers for the  
editorial committee.  This is now established and comprises:

* Hans Peter Dittler (ISOC Germany)
* Alejandro Pisanty (ISOC Mexico)
* Eduardo Diaz (ISOC Puerto Rico)
* Joly McFie (ISOC New York)
* Mike Todd (ISOC Los Angeles)
* Carlos Vera (ISOC Equador)
* Wendy Rickard (Editor)
* Anne Lord (Staff)

Thank you to all those that have kindly volunteered to assist in this  
project. The Committee will soon begin its work and can be reached  
collectively at:
chapter-handbook at elists.isoc.org.

Work has already begun and Wendy Rickard is assisting as editor and  
writer, with raw material coming from a wide variety of sources. She  
has worked with ISOC for many years and is very familiar with ISOC.

We would like to encourage contributions from Chapters at any time -  
real examples that have been successful in practice will bring this  
document to life and ensure it is useful to others.   Contributions  
can be in note form or collected through interviews or simply added to  
the wiki outline below:

http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Chapter%20Handbook or

We look forward to working with you on this project.

Best wishes,


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Anne Lord <lord at isoc.org>
> Date: 25 November 2008 2:31:16 PM
> To: Chapter Delegates <chapter-delegates at elists.isoc.org>
> Subject: Chapter Handbook - Step 2 - Editorial Committee
> Dear Colleagues,
> In June the "Chapter Handbook" draft outline was circulated for  
> feedback and was available for review on the Chapter wiki at:
> http://wiki.chapters.isoc.org/tiki-index.php?page=Chapter+Handbook&bl=n&saved_msg=y
> or at:
> http://tinyurl.com/5gzwxk
> Many thanks to all those who provided feedback.
> A writer has now been contracted to work on the Chapter Handbook end  
> 2008 and 2009.    To assist ,  a volunteer editorial committee will  
> be established.  The role of the Committee on behalf of the Chapter  
> delegates, will be as follows:
> * Review draft content for inclusion in the Chapter Handbook;
> * To participate in editorial meetings from time to time where  
> changes are discussed (approximately once a month);
> * To advise on editorial content and structure as appropriate;
> * Assist with the process of recruiting volunteer submissions from  
> Chapter delegates.
> This project is a large undertaking and expected to continue  
> throughout 2009. We are looking for volunteers who feel they are  
> able to actively commit some time to this important project.     
> Please email me off list if you are interested to help.
> Thanking you in advance,
> Best wishes,
> Anne
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
> Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
> Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Anne Lord, Senior Manager                             <lord at isoc.org>
Chapter & Individual Memberships                  http://www.isoc.org
Internet Society (ISOC)                "The Internet is for everyone"

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