[chapter-delegates] Petition Status

Mike Todd MTodd at isoc-la.org
Fri Apr 29 23:25:47 PDT 2005


Thank you for the confirmation that Veni's petition has been successful.

Mike Todd
President, Mike Todd Associates - www.MikeTodd.com
Supporting the Digital Coast

President, Internet Society Los Angeles Chapter - www.ISOC-LA.org

Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology Law
Pepperdine University School of Law - mltodd at pepperdine.edu

Technology Expert Witness - ExpertWitness at miketodd.com

  310-321-5706  Office Phone
  310-321-5701  Office FAX
  714-893-6684  After Hours Voice
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Margaret Wasserman" <margaret at thingmagic.com>
To: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 2:01 AM
Subject: [chapter-delegates] Petition Status

Hi All,

The petition period for the ISOC 2005 elections will end at midnight 
on Saturday, April 30th.  To date, we have received only one petition 
for inclusion on the ballot for the ISOC Chapter elections, from Veni 

At this point, we have received a sufficient number of "signatures" 
for Veni Markovski's petition, and he will be included on the slate 
for the Chapter elections ballot.

If there are any questions about the petition's process and/or anyone 
believes that they have submitted a petition that we have not 
acknowledged, please send e-mail to the ISOC Nominations Committee at 
nomcomm2005 at elists.isoc.org.

Best Regards,

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