[chapter-delegates] Internet Governance

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Thu Apr 28 04:33:38 PDT 2005

Dear colleagues,
not just out of curiousity, but how many of you are following the 
discussions on the WSIS Internet Governance mailing list?

There's a discussion going on there, which relates to what we have been 
discussing here. Perhaps you would like to either join the mailing list, or 
I should forward some of the mails here?

It's about an idea by Vittorio Bertola to create an Internet Steering 
Group, which I suggested could be under the umbrella of ISOC.

List-Subscribe: <https://ssl.cpsr.org/mailman/listinfo/governance>, 
<mailto:governance-request at lists.cpsr.org?subject=subscribe>


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