[chapter-delegates] FW: Support for Petition Submitted by Veni Markovski for ISOC Chapter Representative to the Board of Trustees
Veni Markovski
veni at veni.com
Tue Apr 26 02:58:21 PDT 2005
At 10:23 26-04-05 +0200, Patrick Vande Walle wrote:
>On Tue, April 26, 2005 7:38, Erkki I. Kolehmainen said:
> > In all honesty, I feel it appropriate to point out that not all chapters
> > that have been approached for support for this drive have decided to
> > join.
>Certainly and that's the beauty of democracy. I do appreciate you
>expressed your opinion, at the risk of being flamed (I hope you won't
>be), while many other chapters remain silent.
I don't believe Erkki will be flamed. There's a myth that some people from
the West will always be flamed if they say something that the East does not
like. One of the things the Chapters and the Trustees should address in the
future is how to overcome this myth. EVERY (I stress on that word!) chapter
has something important to contribute, and whether it comes from N.orth,
E.ast, W.est, S.outh , the important thing is we all form the NEWS. News
about what's happening within ISOC, but also what's happening in the
countries worldwide with respect to the Internet. It's exactly the chapters
that can make ISOC an international organization.
>I would like to encourage those who are silent to speak up, even if they
>disagree with the most vocal members of this list.
I'd say that the silent ones should speak exactly when they disagree with
the vocal members. And I would encourage the vocal members NOT to silence
their voices. ISOC needs all of these opinions; we don't need only opinions
in accordance with what the BoT or the management say. In a democratic,
open and transparent organization, it's even more important to hear the
critical words, than the acknowledgments. As the critical words are what
make ISOC strong.
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