[chapter-delegates] FW: Support for Petiton Submitted by VeniMarkovski for ISOC Chapetr Representative to the Board of Trusteses

Patrick Vande Walle patrick at isoc.lu
Tue Apr 26 01:23:39 PDT 2005

On Tue, April 26, 2005 7:38, Erkki I. Kolehmainen said:
> In all honesty, I feel it appropriate to point out that not all chapters
> that have been approached for support for this drive have decided to
> join.

Certainly and that's the beauty of democracy. I do appreciate you
expressed your opinion, at the risk of being flamed (I hope you won't
be), while many other chapters remain silent.

This silence of the majority means that it is difficult for us trustees,
management and staff to find out what consensus there could be around
some issues. Personal e-mails to trustees and staff do not help much, as
we cannot be sure they represent the opinion of the majority either.

I would like to encourage those who are silent to speak up, even if they
disagree with the most vocal members of this list. This is just like
elections: if you don't use your right to vote, you should not complain
about the results.

Patrick Vande Walle

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