[chapter-delegates] MMM # 5
Andreu Vea'
andreu at veabaro.info
Thu Apr 21 17:52:12 PDT 2005
Dear all,
For all of you who couldn't make it on Tuesday, to our monthly meeting
Just a few lines to tell you that Lyman Chapin lectured about the new ISOC
Strategic Plan (SOP)
You'll find as always the complete LOG published by David-HQ (this time the
meeting Host) and Rudi-BE, at our MMM Forum
<http://www.isoc.be/chde/forum> http://www.isoc.be/chde/forum
As always you can find the updated list of Attendees and all his Messenger
IDs and pictures here:
(be careful, if the link is in two lines, will be removed in 3 days)
NEXT MEETING: # 5 Write it down to your Calendar
Date: Tuesday, May 3rd
Time: 19:00 UTC. 12 (noon) Pacific Daylight Time, 15h (Eastern Time) 21h
(Barcelona)... (*)
Topic: " How to take advantage of the Funding Program"
Guest: (lecturers) ** David McAuley, Rosa Delgado, Veni Markovski, James
Galvin, Nelson Sanchez **
Status: Confirmed
If you're decided to participate and submit a Project Proposal, don't miss
the opportunity to share your questions with other chapters and members of
the committee. So, block it now in your calendar !!! Don't miss this unique
opportunity to know more about our ISOC colleagues around the world and
collect first hand information from our monthly "invited guests".
Don't know how?
Download <http://messenger.yahoo.com/> http://messenger.yahoo.com and let
me know your ID.
Don't really know when ?
Simply follow this link and check your local time in your city.
Please, despite only Carlos and Irwan had missed once the meeting (for Time
Zone and Daylight changes), I ENCOURAGE all of you to follow the above link,
before scheduling the meeting in your calendar.
Our meetings are improving very fast. Everyday we are able to welcome more
people and we begin very promptly without "technical" delays.
We know the topics in advance, and during the first 40 minutes the "invited
guest" lectures about the topic, and later we start a moderated discussion
period. Is in this way that we are able to participate more than 20 people
concurrently in a chat.
We can be more efficient and discuss better in our Chapter-Delegates list
and Forum, only when we know one each other "face to face" (*), and our
local different realities.
I eager to hear new Monographic Topics of interest. And I'm particularly
interested to know about our colleagues in South Africa. Maybe it could be a
good time to start a round of "This is our Chapter". Prepared presentations
of the diff local Chapters. We can share presentations, any recommended tool
(*) That-s why photos are so important.
Andreu Vea' Ph.D.
Internet Research Scholar
Stanford University (Palo Alto, CA)
<http://wiwiw.org/> http://wiwiw.org Who is Who in the Internet World
Founder & Director
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