[chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapter and members meeting at AfNOG 2005 - Maputo, Mozambique
Alan Levin
alan at futureperfect.co.za
Fri Apr 15 07:06:32 PDT 2005
Bonjour Alex and others,
On 15 Apr 2005, at 15:05, Nelson Sanchez wrote:
> I would like to extend an invitation from Alex Corenthin, President of
> the Senegal ISOC Chapter, to all ISOC members and Chapters to meet at
> the upcoming AfNOG conference in Maputo, Mozambique, 25 April 2005.
> Mirjam Kuehne ISOC Senior Program Manager will be present and will help
> facilitate the meeting.
Wonderful. I am so pleased to see this. Merci beaucoup.
> Location: IFT-Instituto de Formacao das Telecomunicacoes de Mocambique
> Prolongamento da Av. Kim Il Sung, No. 96
> Maputo - Mozambique
> Date: Monday, 25 April, 11:45 - 12:45
A tricky time yet I will do my best to be there.
> Proposed agenda:
> 1. Introduction presentation by ISOC (5 minutes)
> 2. Chapter reports and "success stories" (25 minutes)
> 3. Areas where chapters need to cooperate (20 minutes)
> 4. How can ISOC help (10 minutes)
> 5. Questions/Answers
> If you have "success stories" to share and present please let me know
> and we will include them in the agenda.
I would like to talk about our recent Internet Fiesta.
Also, there is a report just published to our web site:
Kind regards,
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