[chapter-delegates] ISOC Chapter and members meeting at AfNOG 2005 - Maputo, Mozambique
Nelson Sanchez
sanchez at isoc.org
Fri Apr 15 06:05:34 PDT 2005
The ISOC Chapters and members meeting/chat to be held during AfNOG April
17-25, 2005.
I would like to extend an invitation from Alex Corenthin, President of
the Senegal ISOC Chapter, to all ISOC members and Chapters to meet at
the upcoming AfNOG conference in Maputo, Mozambique, 25 April 2005.
Mirjam Kuehne ISOC Senior Program Manager will be present and will help
facilitate the meeting.
Please see: http://www.afnog.org/AfnogAgenda_Revisedfinal.pdf
What: ISOC Chapters/members meeting
Location: IFT-Instituto de Formacao das Telecomunicacoes de Mocambique
Prolongamento da Av. Kim Il Sung, No. 96
Maputo - Mozambique
Date: Monday, 25 April, 11:45 - 12:45
Proposed agenda:
1. Introduction presentation by ISOC (5 minutes)
2. Chapter reports and "success stories" (25 minutes)
3. Areas where chapters need to cooperate (20 minutes)
4. How can ISOC help (10 minutes)
5. Questions/Answers
If you have "success stories" to share and present please let me know
and we will include them in the agenda.
Please pass this invitation to other ISOC members.
More about AfNOG: http://www.afnog.org/
Please note that an AFRINIC meeting will also be held in Maputo,
Mozambique on April 25-27.
More about AFRINIC: http://www.afrinic.net/
Nelson Sanchez
ISOC Senior Program Manager
Email: sanchez at isoc.org
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