[chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from today's meeting with Lynn

Irwan Effendi hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net
Tue Apr 5 19:12:15 PDT 2005

Dear Rudi,

Projects are usually time constrained and must be managed with stability.
This means that once a project started, usually we don't allow for newcomers
to hop in. I agree that if you want to start a new project, you can easily
post on forums.
Programs, on the other hand, has no fixed time constrain and can go on for
as long as the participants still wishes it to run, and programs tend to
change all the time, which allow for newcomers to join in at any point.
Also, programs usually need more intense discussions among stakeholders.
Therefore, I believe that to work together on programs, we have to use email
rather than forum.

Does ISOC Belgium have programs that generate funds? If yes, ISOC Indonesia
would like to know the details.

Best Regards,

Irwan Effendi

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vansnick Rudi" <rudi.vansnick at isoc.be>
To: "'Veni Markovski'" <veni at veni.com>; "'Irwan Effendi'"
<hero_tsai at mainsyscon.net>
Cc: <chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 3:02 AM
Subject: RE: [chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from
today's meeting with Lynn

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Veni Markovski [mailto:veni at veni.com]
> > Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 9:07 PM
> > To: Irwan Effendi
> > Cc: chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
> > Subject: [chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and
> > information from today's meeting with Lynn
> >
> >
> > Irwan,
> > I agree with you.
> >
> > Here are several points, which I made today morning, during a
> > meeting with
> > Lynn St. Amour - CEO/President of ISOC. Also present at that
> > meeting were
> > chapter presidents or members of Board of South Africa,
> > Luxembourg, UK,
> > Sweden, Niue, France, Morocco, Bulgaria, George Sadowsky,
> > Richard Delmas...
> > and may be I am missing one or two names, as I was not taking notes.
> <snip>
> > Another proposal was to have another mailing list, where only
> > projects will
> > be discussed, so that we can continue to exchange information
> > here, but
> > focus on real funding there.
> >
> > What do you say?
> Well Veni, there is already a platform for communication on projects.
> The forum is running now and already a few chapters have responded, and I
> others will follow this sample.
> See http://www.isoc.be/chde/forum
> Always open to discuss on opening other functionalities.
> Regards,
> Rudi Vansnick
> Chair ISOC Belgium
> > best,
> > veni

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