[chapter-delegates] Re: Encouragement and information from today's meeting with Lynn

Richard StClair stclair at niue.nu
Tue Apr 5 13:27:38 PDT 2005

> My suggestion was to use some system to allow chapter delegates to 
> express themselves through an e-voting system , where they can be sure 
>  they can express their opinion without getting flamed.

This I think is a very feasible thing to do. Even if it's just a simple 
polling system that members can go and answer ISOC's inquiries from 
time to time on various subjects etc.

There has to be a way to make the chapter members feel like they have a 
say in what ISOC does, and a voice in belonging to ISOC in the first 
place, or there is really no reason for the average Internet user at 
large to even belong to ISOC.

Using some kind of web polling even if only for simple directional 
questions or comments would be at least a temporary compromise to bring 
members back to the understanding that their voice does matter, even if 
they are not "paying" members.

Shifting gears for a moment..........can we configure this list so that 
replying to a posting replies back to the list?

Richard St Clair,
Co-Founder & Internet Evangelist,
Internet Users Society Niue, APTLD Board Member
stclair at niue.nu www.niue.nu Fax 683-4624
Niue Island, South Pacific 169 West 19 South
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