[chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Sun Apr 3 09:59:00 PDT 2005

At 18:11 03-04-05  +0200, Rosa Delgado wrote:
>I may be there - not decision has been taken yet.

I thought we have decided - you, Desire and Margaret.May be I missed it, 
but there were no other canidadates, and I have full trust that you will 
make a great committee.

>This is because, I volunteered for but I was expecting that you and
>Patrick volunteered too and you didn't.

If I remember correctly, before we volunteer, there were already two more 
candidates. I would not volunteer, just to hear another of Fred's annoyed 
screeds of how rebellious trustees should behave ;)

>When we discussed in the past in
>the trustee list - we pushed for three places were given for trustees to
>the process. I thought, with the idea that three of us could be there or
>at least 2.

I didn't volunteer, because there were concerns among some of the techies, 
that there may be a conflict of interest, if ISOC-Bulgaria is to apply for 
a project. However, mu understanding is that even if ISOC-Bulgaria applies, 
it will not be granted funding for any type of project, so perhaps that's 
not a big issue anymore. I guess I've been too naive.

>As you said it seems. I don't think it should be a conflict of interest
>for your chapter to apply - it is a conflict if you lead the project.
>This is clear in any process not only at ISOC.

I don't think that's the issue behind the process, which still is not 
defined well.


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