[chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding

Rosa Delgado rosa at delgado.aero
Sun Apr 3 09:11:41 PDT 2005


I may be there - not decision has been taken yet. 

This is because, I volunteered for but I was expecting that you and
Patrick volunteered too and you didn't. When we discussed in the past in
the trustee list - we pushed for three places were given for trustees to
the process. I thought, with the idea that three of us could be there or
at least 2. 

>besides it seems there may be some conflict 
>of interest - e.g. if ISOC-Bulgaria decides to apply, I can't be on the


As you said it seems. I don't think it should be a conflict of interest
for your chapter to apply - it is a conflict if you lead the project.
This is clear in any process not only at ISOC. 

I volunteered with this assumption because with this I don't want to
disqualify the Geneva chapter for running for a funding. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Veni Markovski [mailto:veni at veni.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 31 March 2005 00:32
To: Gene Gaines; chapter-delegates at lists.isoc.org
Subject: Re[2]: [chapter-delegates] FW: Project Funding

At 09:03 24-03-05  -0500, Gene Gaines wrote:
>1) Will a board chapter-delegate be on the evaluation committee?
>    Perhaps all 3 board member representing chapters should be
>       on the evaluation committee?  As observers?

No, Gene, the 3 will not be there. Rosa may be there, but neither me nor

Patrick have volunteered, and besides it seems there may be some
of interest - e.g. if ISOC-Bulgaria decides to apply, I can't be on the 

>    How to insure some transparency with the project selection
>       process to insure that chapters are comfortable with the
>       process and the results?
>    If care is not taken, competing for this $150,000 is likely
>       to destroy the cooperation beginning between the few
>       chapters that are active on this list.

I hope not. Chapters seem pretty unite on a number of issues that we do 


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