[ih] Robustness Principle and End-to-End Principle

Brian E Carpenter brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com
Mon Apr 15 16:57:38 PDT 2024


Absolutely not answering your question, but you might want to read https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9413. Opinions may vary.

Slightly relevant to your question, when we were drafting https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc1958, where paragraph 3.9 states the robustness principle, obviously we relied on Jon Postel for the wording. However, I don't recall much detail of the IAB discussions and I'm fairly sure we didn't delve into the history. It was just something we all knew...

    Brian Carpenter

On 16-Apr-24 11:11, Barbara Denny via Internet-history wrote:
> I am looking into the history of the Robustness Principle and the End-to-End Principle.  I have found 2 significant dates.  One is the mention of the Robustness Principle in RFC 761(DoD TCP Spec) dated 1980, and the paper dated 1981 by Jerry Seltzer, David Reed, and Dave Clark on the End-to-End Principle.  I am trying to go earlier than those dates.  These principles guided the work in the 70s so I am looking for information about that time period (or earlier?) and these principles.  Any thoughts, recollections, or references?, including dates/timeframes, greatly appreciated.
> barbara

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