[ih] Failed Expectations: A Deep Dive Into the Internet’s 40 Years of Evolution (Geoff Huston)

the keyboard of geoff goodfellow geoff at iconia.com
Tue May 30 16:17:00 PDT 2023


In a recent workshop, I attended, reflecting on the evolution of the
Internet over the past 40 years, one of the takeaways for me is how we’ve
managed to surprise ourselves in both the unanticipated successes we’ve
encountered and in the instances of failure when technology has stubbornly
resisted to be deployed despite our confident expectations to the contrary!
What have we learned from these lessons about our inability to predict
technology outcomes? Are the issues related to the aspects of the
technology? Are they embedded in the considerations behind the expectations
about how a technology will be adopted? Or do the primary issues reside at
a deeper level relating to economic and even political contexts? Let’s look
at this question of failed expectations using several specific examples
drawn from the last 40 years of the Internet’s evolution.

*The Public Debut of the Internet (and the demise of O.S.I.)*...


Geoff.Goodfellow at iconia.com
living as The Truth is True

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