[ih] lots of links, Memories of Flag Day?

John Levine johnl at iecc.com
Fri Aug 18 14:44:56 PDT 2023

According to Brian E Carpenter via Internet-history <brian.e.carpenter at gmail.com>:
>> I remember seeing hyperlink tech at DECUS probably in the mid to late
>> 80's? What the internet brought was reach.
>Of course. Tim Berners-Lee showed me his own hyperlink technology
>in 1980, and he didn't invent the idea.

Engelbart showed them in the famous 1968 demo, Ted Nelson showed me
hyperlinks in the 1970s, and told me he got the idea from an article
Vannevar Bush wrote in the 1940s.

Tim's contribution was to pare them down to a point where they were
still flexible enough to be useful but constrained enough to implement
at scale. Ted never forgave him for making links one-way rather than
two-way, even though after decades of effort nobody's been able to get
two-way links to work beyond toy sized systems.


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