[ih] SpaceX may spend billions to outsource Starlink satellite-dish production, an industry insider says — and could lose $2,000 on each one it sells

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Wed Nov 25 13:04:43 PST 2020

the keyboard of geoff goodfellow wrote in
 <CAEf-zriE35fPZDoAffzW0fwtpvtxk2VqSXodu0s4jQDXC4Y+7Q at mail.gmail.com>:
 |   - *SpaceX recently launched a public beta test for Starlink, its growing
 |   network of internet-beaming satellites

Sorry not to step in cheering this.
I think now the time has come to raise massive taxes on these
things which violate the heaven above.
The sheer number of rocket resource needed to keep these lines
closed is ridiculous.  Is there any science going on on improving
the situation regarding this?  Space lift?
And i am very, very thankful that at least the newer satellites of
_that_ company seem to hide their solar panel reflections from the
earth, it always have been moments of deeply felt hate seeing
these (?) lines of satellites flying by (following each other
within ~30 seconds), i personally would have shoot them.
I know there are cultures on this world which feel the same.

Thank you.
(And i _love_ books, battered or not.)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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