[ih] How the Soviet Union Sent Its First Man to the Internet in 1982

Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Thu Dec 31 03:33:28 PST 2015

On 31/12/2015 11:19, Dmitry Burkov wrote:
>> Not said in the article was that the communication went literally
>> "under the radar" of the censors since the link to the outside world
>> was a microwave link to Finland - a pretty unconventional route
>> outside of Russia.
> that is absolutely wrong.
> At this moment we had only analog communications lines.
> Connection through Estonia 64K digital microwave link was deployed
> only next March and one year later we installed in two stages
> E1 to SPB and some later first transborder terrestrial E1 to Finland -
> julf (Johan Helsingius) can remind dates when we had business meeting
> on it in IVO (Finland
> power company).

Wow -- so I got my chronology wrong. I always figured that the link via
Finland had been microwave. So it was a dial up after all at that moment?
Also of interest: http://collapse.su/  and the usually interesting
historical stuff from https://nsrc.org/db/lookup/country.php?ISO=RU

Best wishes,


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