[ih] XEROX/PUP and Commercialization (was Re: FYI - Gordon Crovitz/WSJ on "Who Really Invented the Internet?")

Dave Crocker dhc2 at dcrocker.net
Sun Jul 29 20:14:15 PDT 2012

On 7/29/2012 2:00 PM, Jack Haverty wrote:
> If Xerox, or IBM, or Novell, CCITT/ISO, or any of the other
> contemporary competitors building internet technology had done the
> same things, The Internet today might be running on X.25/X.75, or
> carrying PUPs, or using SPX/IPX, instead of TCP/IP.

As a diffusion of innovation theoretical exercise, this might hypothesis 
might we worth considering.

I could easily believe that XNS was capability of enjoying the same fate 
as what developed for TCP/IP.  I don't know what changes Novell made to 
their XNS, nee SPX/IPX, but if it wasn't too bad, I'll class that as 
fate-sharing with XNS.

I don't believe for one minute that X.25/X.75 were capable of the kind 
of usage TCP/IP has experienced.  The complexity and limitations they 
imposed seem to me to require massively more expensive and massively 
less flexible, robust, etc., etc., operation.


  Dave Crocker
  Brandenburg InternetWorking

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