[ih] Origination date for the Internet

Guy Almes galmes at tamu.edu
Thu Oct 28 15:35:52 PDT 2010

   In this Feb-82 map, it looks like the ARPAnet and SATnet are the two 
key wide-area networks.  What was COMSAT?  Are all the rest LANs?
	-- Guy

On 10/28/10 5:04 PM, Bob Hinden wrote:
> On Oct 28, 2010, at 1:08 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>> Bob,
>> Bob Hinden wrote:
>>> I still have my "I Survived the TCP Transition 1/1/83" red button.
>>> In my view this was the time when the Internet became operational as people starting using it for their day to day work, instead of a set of researchers.  Conception and birth occurred earlier :-)
>> Actually, that raises another interesting question: At what point, prior to 1/1/83, if any, was there a minimal set of networks, gateways, and end systems that were passing IP packets on an ongoing basis - as opposed to being cobbled together to run some experiment or other, and then brought back down?  Can we isolate a date when IP packets started flowing and never stopped?
> There was a set of operational gateways from the Arpanet to Satnet to gateways at UCL, RSRE, and NDRE, MIT, SRI, SAC, Ft. Bragg, etc.   There is a picture dated 25 Feb 1982 at:
>    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Internet_map_in_February_82.jpg
> This was started earlier, but I don't have an exact date.
> Bob

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