[ih] Early interconnection between Ethernets and Arpanet

Matthias Bärwolff mbaer at cs.tu-berlin.de
Thu Mar 11 03:00:18 PST 2010

Dear all,

is there any documentation (or tacit knowledge on this list) on early
Ethernet-Arpanet gateways (obviously other than those built using IP in
the late 1970s)? I found some documentation on how Alohanet terminals
connected to the Arpanet, and how the NPL guys in the UK connected their
IBM machines to their TIP, plus some notes on how people struggled to
get the SRI port expanders working; but nothing on the much more obvious
candidate, Ethernet, given its early popularity.

Sorry if I've just been lazy. Thanks for all hints.


Matthias Bärwolff

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