[ih] Dot Com etc

Craig Partridge craig at aland.bbn.com
Wed Jan 20 11:27:08 PST 2010

> Does anyone know why .com; .edu and .gov were chosen? I know it seems
> simple, but why .com instead of something like .biz?

I don't know but it happened between April 1984 and October 1984.

In April 1984 Postel and Reynolds distributed a draft of what became RFC 920.
In that draft they used Grapevine-like naming, so ERNIE.CS.CAL.UC for a
site in the University of California system.

In October 1984, when RFC 920 came out it specified GOV, EDU, COM, MIL and
ORG.  NET came later (Dick Edmiston's and my doing).

I wish I had copies of the email discussions between April '84 and October '84
but I don't.  My guess is that the discussion was in NAMEDROPPERS but I
only have a very limited archive of old NAMEDROPPERS email.



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