[Chapter-delegates] Today: IGF Berlin Dynamic Coalition joint meeting of the DCs on Core Internet Values and the Internet of Things.

sivasubramanian muthusamy 6.internet at gmail.com
Thu Nov 28 22:27:50 PST 2019

Please join us for the Joint DC-IoT / DC-CIV meeting at the IGF Berlin


Friday November 29, 2019 09:30 - 13:00
Raum IV Sonnenallee 225, 12057 Berlin, Germany


Part I 9:30-11:00 - IOT - Avri Doria as moderator.
Part II  11.30 - 1 am  - Olivier Crepin-LeBlond as moderator.

1. Intro by MB & OCL (10 minutes total)

2. What prerequisites are important from a security perspective, to ensure
that IoT can be trusted not to be harmful to its users, nor the wider
Internet; for example by, being weaponised as a tool for DDOS attacks or
being used as attack vector on the users, themselves?

3. Actions that support a secure Internet (of Things), globally, across
silos and geographies - what needs to be done (security by design for the

4. Open Discussion on IoT Security by Design

5. Sum up part 1 (5 minutes)

6. Preparing for Part II - Does IoT Security by Design break Core Internet
Values? What ethical considerations are important in the deployment and use
of IoT?

--- 11 am Coffee BREAK ---

Part II 11:30-13:00 - CIV - OCL moderating

1. Reviewing Part I on IoT (short summary and conclusions of Part 1) -
Maarten Botterman

2. Reminder of Core Internet Values (Sivasubramanian Muthusamy - remotely)

3. What ethical considerations are important for development, deployment
and use of IoT, in order to ensure that we are creating sustainable
solutions with IoT? Aspects to be considered range from affordability and
deployability where needed, to transparency of choice; clarity on data
sharing and protection of privacy.

(We will also examine Data Issues from the perspective of Stability and
Resilience, by the topic "Data Governance on the Internet Space, by the
Internet Model" with a view to argue for a harmonized global IG approach to
Data Governance)

4. A summarised 6F Framework proposal - Alejandro Pisanty (3 pages)

5. Looking ahead – which issues will become relevant in the future for IoT
development, affecting the broader Internet. This provides an open
microphone for new issues to address in the context of future use of IoT
and recognition of Core Internet Values.

6. Open Discussion

-- end ---

Confirmed speakers as follows:

DC - IoT panelists include Chair: Maarten Botterman. Speakers, including:
government officials, Frederic Donck, Internet Society, Eddan Katz, World
Economic Forum, Max Senges, Google, Marco Hogewoning RIPE NCC, Jonathan
Cave, University of Warwick, and others.

DC - Core Internet Values panelists:

Alejandro Pisanty, UNAM, Mexico (confirmed)
Jimson Olufuye PhD CEO Kontemporary, Africa ICT Alliance, Nigeria
Marilyn Cade, CEO, mCADE llc, United States (apologies)
Matthew Shears, ICANN Board, United Kingdom (confirmed)
Sivasubramanian Muthusamy (confirmed remote participant)
Thomas Rickert, Attorney at Law, Owner Rickert RA-GmbH, Germany (confirmed)
Vint Cerf, Google, United States (confirmed for this part only)
Fiona Alexander in her new role. ( formal confirmation awaited)

Sivasubramanian M <https://www.facebook.com/sivasubramanian.muthusamy>
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