[Chapter-delegates] What's going on? As presented, the sale of PIR should be rejected by the Board

Alexander Blom alexander.blom at budgetphone.nl
Fri Nov 15 12:18:19 PST 2019

Hello all,

I am a long time member of ISOC, but a relative outsider to the financial
wheeling and dealing of ISOC, so please forgive me if my questions are off
the mark.

My understanding has always been that back in the day, ISOC qualified for
the management of the .org domain because of who we were: a non profit
organization with a worldwide network of knowledgeable volunteers, all
dedicated to promoting the cause of the internet for everyone. In short,
the one organisation that could be trusted with safekeeping the go to
domain for non profits.

If that is correct, selling PIR to a commercial enterprise sounds like a
cynical betrayal of trust, does it not? Suddenly we turn our hard earned
reputation into cash?

Like I said, I may be completely wrong here.

Vriendelijke groet,

Alexander Blom

Budget Phone Company
Stationsplein 45
3013 AK Rotterdam
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