[Chapter-delegates] WEBCAST TUE/WED/THU – 21st Century Government Symposium in Antigua

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Fri Jan 19 08:35:25 PST 2018

​Those of you who are subbed to the *Internet Society Livestream Channel*
<https://livestream.com/internetsociety> will be well aware that I have
been relaying this event since Wednesday. This is because, in order to
correctly segment & title the Periscope and Facebook simulcasts, I have had
to relaunch at the beginning of every presentation, generating an email

It is in fact, for the Carib region at least, a landmark event - a
symposium that followed a Ministerial Summit on Tuesday,  where it was
agreed in principle to align e-government activities across the region.
This initiative is very much facilitated by the Estonian experience in
implementing Digital ID

Of particular interest from an ISOC POV were the sessions on Infrastructure
yesterday, and if you watch nothing else I recommend *the panel*
<https://livestream.com/internetsociety/citynext2018/videos/168766987> that
followed those presentations. Today they are talking cybersecurity.


[image: livestream] <https://livestream.com/internetsociety/citynext2018/>
On *Tuesday-Thursday January 17-19 2018* the *Caribbean Telecommunications
Union <http://www.ctu.int/> *(CTU), the *Caribbean Center for Development
Administration <http://www.caricad.net/>*(CARICAD), and the *Government of
Antigua and Barbuda <https://ab.gov.ag/>* host the *21st Century Government
<http://www.ctu.int/events/21st-century-government-summit-symposium/>*, to
initiate and accelerate a program to establish Caribbean 21st Century
Governments. A 21st Century Government is one that makes effective use of
ICT to deliver services to its citizens, and its internal and external
clients, characterized by citizen-centric, seamless, open, interactive,
efficient and transparent processes, transforming the public service,
strengthening economic competitiveness and promoting sustainable
development. The event will be simulcast live on the*Internet Society
Livestream Channel
<https://livestream.com/internetsociety/citynext2018/>*, *facebook
live <https://www.facebook.com/CaribbeanTelecommunicationsUnion/>* and
Twitter <https://twitter.com/TheCtunion>. No captions. Antigua is on
AST=UTC-4, one hour ahead of NYC.

*What: 21st Century Government Symposium
*Where: St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda, West Indies*
*When: January 17-19 2018*
*Agenda: http://bit.ly/2mFJsi3 <http://bit.ly/2mFJsi3>*
*Livestream: https://livestream.com/internetsociety/citynext2018/
*Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/CaribbeanTelecommunicationsUnion/
*Periscope: https://twitter.com/TheCtunion <https://twitter.com/TheCtunion>*
*Remote participation: Keybate <http://www.keybate.com/> app – Code: TTCG*
*Twitter: #21stcenturygovernment http://bit.ly/21stcenturygovernment

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Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
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