[Chapter-delegates] Two ISOC members from Europe appointed in the EU HLEG on fake news

Borka Jerman Blazic borka at e5.ijs.si
Tue Jan 16 04:02:34 PST 2018

Following an open selection process, the Commission has appointed 39 
experts to a new High Level Group (HLEG) on fake news and online 
disinformation. It comprises representatives of the civil society, 
social media platforms, news media organisations, journalists and 
academia. Professor dr. Madeleine de Cock Buning is nominated to chair 
the Group.

Veni Markovski from ISOC Bulgaria and prof.dr.Žiga Turka from ISOC 
Slovenia are among the appointed experts.


Borka Jerman Blažič

ISOC Slovenia
Prof.dr.Borka Jerman-Blažič Head, Laboratory for Open systems and 
Networks Jožef Stefan Institute and Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana 
University Slovenia tel. +386 1 477 3408 tel. +386 1 477 3756 mob. +386 
41 678 410
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