[Chapter-delegates] Welcome on Board! Recognition of Community Networks SIG
Martínez Cervantes Luis Miguel
luism.martinez at ibero.mx
Thu Jan 11 06:25:25 PST 2018
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Mexican Chapter of the Internet Society, we congratulate such an important and relevant SIG and we look forward to continue working in Community Networks, as a essential building block of a free, open and fair Internet.
Dr. Luis M Martinez
ISOC Mx President
Luis Miguel Martinez
Coordinador de innovación e infraestructura digital
Departamento de Comunicación, Universidad Iberoamericana Ciudad de México
p: +52-5559504113
a: Prolg. Paseo de la Reforma 880, Lomas de Santa Fe, CdMx, 01219, MEXICO
w: www.uia.mx<http://www.uia.mx> e: luism.martinez at ibero.mx<mailto:luism.martinez at ibero.mx>
On January 10, 2018 at 11:05:04 AM, Kyle Shulman (shulman at isoc.org<mailto:shulman at isoc.org>) wrote:
Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to let you know that the Internet Society has a new Special Interest Group (SIG): the Internet Society Community Networks SIG , or CNSIG , which is led by the following SIG officers:
Nicolás Echániz, Chair - nicoechaniz at altermundi.net<mailto:nicoechaniz at altermundi.net>
Sol Luca de Tena, Vice Chair - sol at zenzeleni.net<mailto:sol at zenzeleni.net>
Manuela González Ursi, Secretary - manugonzur at gmail.com<mailto:manugonzur at gmail.com>
Karla Velasco, Treasurer - karlavelascor at gmail.com<mailto:karlavelascor at gmail.com>
Gioacchino Mazzuco, Alternate Treasurer - gio at diveni.re<mailto:gio at diveni.re>
Peter Bloom, Alternate Secretary - peter at rhizomatica.org<mailto:peter at rhizomatica.org>
Please join me in welcoming the CNSIG to the community!
Best Regards,
Kyle Shulman
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