[Chapter-delegates] Who's going to visibly participate in the big ISOC webcast next week?

Christian de Larrinaga cdel at firsthand.net
Mon Sep 19 05:46:29 PDT 2016

More work indeed.

and ITU is well placed to push its case  --> WTSA coming up.

But it will take a very different policy stance by US and many other
countries for UN to be accepted in a IP Governance role at least not
without very significant changes there. So I fear the potential outcome
at least initially leans more to fracturing the IP resource governance
space, than it falling as a piece into an alternative cosy existing silo.


Bob Hinden wrote:
> I fear that if Mr. Cruz does get his way, we are going to have a lot more work to do to keep control of the Internet out of the UN.  It’s ironic that Mr. Cruz’s actions may result in just what he says he is worried about.  Sigh..
> Bob

Christian de Larrinaga 

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